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What Is Overthinking?

What Is Overthinking

READ Overthinking means an excessive and repetitive process of dwelling on thoughts and concerns to the point where it interferes with daily functioning and well-being. Considering situations and problems is a natural human tendency; our brains are built for analysis. But when this thought process becomes unproductive and overwhelming, the natural function crosses over into […]

Feeling Bad About Yourself? Try Self-Kindness to Feel Better

feeling bad about yourself self-kindness

LISTEN Feeling bad about yourself can trap you in a vicious cycle. Clinical psychologist Raksha Rajesh explains how self-kindness can help us escape by balancing out our negative thoughts and feelings. These are your negative thoughts — dark, bitter. Doesn’t taste good, doesn’t feel good. Most people think that getting rid of these negative thoughts, […]

Explain Mental Health With This Simple Comparison

explain mental health

LISTEN Explain mental health to people who don’t understand with this simple comparison from clinical psychologist Raksha Rajesh. You can explain mental health like this: Your mental health is just like your skin. Just how your skin reacts to different seasons differently — sometimes it might feel oily, sometimes it might be dry, sometimes you […]

How to Practice Mindfulness Daily

how to practice mindfulness daily

READ It’s well-known that mindfulness is good for mental well-being. But many of us still have questions about how to practice mindfulness daily.    In today’s fast-paced world, where we’re constantly bombarded with information and distractions, finding moments of inner peace and clarity can feel elusive. But it is possible.    Mindfulness is not just […]

Can Emotions Be Controlled?

can emotions be controlled

READ Can emotions be controlled? Not entirely – nor would we want to control them entirely. But there are ways to handle emotions wisely. Emotions are like the colours on the canvas of life. They make us feel happy, sad, angry, surprised, loved and everything in between. They’re a big part of what makes us […]

How to Cope With Failure at Work, When You’re Used to Success

how to cope with failure at work

LISTEN How do you cope with failure at work when you’re used to being a success? Clinical psychologist Raksha Rajesh shares some tips for high-performers who are facing a setback and feeling stress, shame, or worthlessness. As a high achiever at work, when you encounter certain setbacks in your life, it can be daunting, disappointing, […]

When Being a Perfectionist Becomes a Problem

A perfectionist man runs into a problem

LISTEN When does being a perfectionist become a problem? Clinical psychologist Raksha Rajesh shares some tips for perfectionists whose inner critic is too loud, making them feel stress, shame, or worthlessness.       As a perfectionist, you might feel that you’re not doing good enough. No matter how hard you try, that inner voice […]

Languishing May Be Why You Feel Empty Inside Sometimes

mentally languishing why you feel empty inside

READ Many of us find ourselves on autopilot, going through the motions of our daily lives without much thought or intention. We check the boxes on our to-do lists and fulfil our responsibilities for work, school, family, and (of course) our social media accounts.   But we do it automatically, moving through life in a […]

Is It Normal to Feel Worried All the Time?

man who feels worried all the time

READ Everyone worries. When we care about something, it’s natural to feel a sense of worry or concern when faced with problems that are beyond our control or that we can’t solve. And in some situations, worrying can be helpful. For instance, if you worry about temporary problems, you’re more likely to feel motivated to […]

Does Depression Make You Lazy?

woman with head under pillow

READ Depression doesn’t make us lazy — but it does make physical activity more difficult.   We all know we should exercise more; the benefits of working out regularly are as mental as they are physical. But when we’re struggling with depression or its symptoms, everything may seem effortful and unpleasant, especially physical activity.   […]