Stress Smokers Can Take This One Small Step Toward Healthier Coping

indian man smoking on phone

LISTEN Clinical psychologist Raksha Rajesh, M.Sc., M.Phil., a Mitsu therapist, offers one small step to take for anyone who smokes when they’re feeling stressed — and wants to quit.     First, ask yourself: Are you feeling stressed and want a smoke to help you manage your stress? Or are you feeling stressed because you’re […]

The 3 Steps to Overcoming Negative Thoughts

three lightbulbs in a row. the first is off, the second is dim, and the third is shining brightly

READ Have you ever found yourself trapped in an overthinking cycle of negative thoughts, where your mind seems to be its own worst critic, relentlessly feeding you discouragement or anxiety? These insidious mental patterns are known as Negative Automatic Thoughts, and it’s possible to overcome them in three steps.    What are negative automatic thoughts? […]

Self-Compassion: What It Is and How to Do It


READ Self-compassion is the practice of being kind to yourself, acknowledging your imperfections without judgement, and understanding that everyone experiences periods of struggle. It integrates self-kindness, common humanity, and mindfulness into your life, fostering a healthier relationship with yourself and longer-term emotional resilience.   Self-compassion begins with treating oneself with the same kindness and understanding […]

How to Overcome Stage Fear

how to overcome stage fear

READ Stage fear, often referred to as performance anxiety, can be a crippling and distressing experience, affecting personal and professional growth. Here’s how  to overcome it.   What is stage fear   Stage fear — also known as performance anxiety, fear of public speaking, presentation anxiety, and more — is the overwhelming sense of dread […]

Collective Grief: Why We Feel Sad When a Beloved Celebrity Dies

Collective grief for matthew perry

READ In life’s quietest moments, certain celebrities transcend their personas and reputations. Actor Matthew Perry, best known globally for his role as Chandler on the late ‘90s American sitcom FRIENDS, was such a one. Perry, who passed away Saturday,  became a part of our lives in a way that felt like we’d known him personally […]

Practising Self-Compassion or Being Lazy? Here’s the Difference

practising self compassion or being lazy

LISTEN Are you practising self-compassion or being lazy? It can be difficult to tell the difference, especially for those who struggle with self-criticism and shame. But being able to distinguish self-compassion from laziness can be vital to our mental health. Mitsu’s clinical psychologist Raksha Rajesh breaks it all down in the video below. It’s laziness […]

How to Help Someone in Depression

How to help someone in depression

READ Depression is a deeply personal and often misunderstood mental health condition marked by long-lasting feelings of sadness, hopelessness and a loss of interest in everyday activities.    At some point in life, most individuals will experience feelings and symptoms of depression. These experiences can vary widely in how strongly people feel their sadness, how […]

4 Ways to Control Anger Immediately

a flame spreads from one match to the unlit line of matches next to it

Source: Shutterstock READ Anger is a powerful and natural emotion that everyone experiences. For many of us, our first instinct is figuring out how to control anger immediately. But controlling anger shouldn’t be our goal  – our goal should be to manage how we respond to it.   Anger isn’t inherently bad; in fact, it […]

What Is Overthinking?

What Is Overthinking

READ Overthinking means an excessive and repetitive process of dwelling on thoughts and concerns to the point where it interferes with daily functioning and well-being. Considering situations and problems is a natural human tendency; our brains are built for analysis. But when this thought process becomes unproductive and overwhelming, the natural function crosses over into […]

Feeling Bad About Yourself? Try Self-Kindness to Feel Better

feeling bad about yourself self-kindness

LISTEN Feeling bad about yourself can trap you in a vicious cycle. Clinical psychologist Raksha Rajesh explains how self-kindness can help us escape by balancing out our negative thoughts and feelings. These are your negative thoughts — dark, bitter. Doesn’t taste good, doesn’t feel good. Most people think that getting rid of these negative thoughts, […]