3 Accurate Anxiety Tests That Answer ‘Do I Have Anxiety?’
Anxiety tests can be found all over the internet. But how do you know which tests are reliable and accurate, and which aren’t?
If you’re wondering if your anxious feelings might signal a more persistent, serious struggle, the following anxiety tests can offer valuable insights: the Generalized Anxiety Disorder 7 (GAD-7), the Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI), and the Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale (HAM-A). These anxiety tests are used by psychologists all over the world because they provide accurate and consistent results.
Generalized Anxiety Disorder 7 (GAD-7)
The GAD-7 is a quick, accurate test used in clinical settings all over the world. It comprises just seven questions about the frequency of common anxiety symptoms over the past two weeks. Questions focus on feeling anxious, feeling nervous, or not being able to stop worrying, etc., with possible answers that range from “Not at all” to “Nearly every day.” This anxiety test’s results give immediate insight into your anxiety levels.
An even shorter, version of it, the Generalized Anxiety Disorder 2, or GAD-2) reveals whether an anxiety disorder is possible and whether you should take the longer, more accurate version or consult a clinical psychologist.
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Curious about your state of mind?
Take our free, 2-minute anxiety (GAD-2) test. Trusted and used by mental health clinicians globally.
Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI)
The BAI has 21 questions about anxiety symptoms. While reflecting on the previous one week, you rate each symptom from 0 (not at all) to 3 (severely). The total score helps determine the degree of anxiety, ranging from minimal to severe.
The BAI is easy to take and understand, even for people without mental health training, and it gives a more detailed picture of how and to what degree anxiety symptoms affect your life.
Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale (HAM-A)
The HAM-A is one of the first anxiety rating scales ever developed and is still widely used today. It assesses 14 different anxiety symptom, such as tension, fears, and insomnia.
A clinician, typically a clinical psychologist, must administer this test. They rate each symptom from 0 (not present) to 4 (severe) during an interview. The HAM-A is valuable for its comprehensive approach, covering both psychological and physical symptoms of anxiety.
Each of these anxiety tests can give you a clearer picture of how you experience anxiety and to what degree. But remember: Don’t use these tests for self-diagnosis. These tests may measure anxiety accurately, but they require a licensed mental health professional to interpret the nuance in their results, diagnose (if necessary), and create a treatment plan.
If you’re struggling with anxiety, taking one of these tests can provide a sense of clarity, validation, and insight. But be sure to also consult a trained mental health professional and explore how therapy – whether digital or one-on-one – can help you manage any symptoms and improve your quality of life.
- Johnson SU, Ulvenes PG, Øktedalen T, Hoffart A. Psychometric Properties of the General Anxiety Disorder 7-Item (GAD-7) Scale in a Heterogeneous Psychiatric Sample. Front Psychol. 2019 Aug 6;10:1713.
- Maier W, Buller R, Philipp M, Heuser I. The Hamilton Anxiety Scale: reliability, validity and sensitivity to change in anxiety and depressive disorders. J Affect Disord. 1988 Jan-Feb;14(1):61-8.
- Muntingh AD, van der Feltz-Cornelis CM, van Marwijk HW, Spinhoven P, Penninx BW, van Balkom AJ. Is the Beck Anxiety Inventory a good tool to assess the severity of anxiety? A primary care study in the Netherlands Study of Depression and Anxiety (NESDA). BMC Fam Pract. 2011 Jul 4;12:66.
Vidula Sawant (M.A., M.Phil.)